Jorge S. Arango: "Between two exhibits, Cove Street Arts is here, there and everywhere” Press Herald August 15, 2021 (View as PDF)
Valérie de Maulmin “ Les Boîtes à Malice” Connaissance des Arts September 2021 (View as PDF)
"Peter Soriano” L’Oeil No.746 September 2021 (View as PDF)


"Poetische Geometrie," Der Bund (Switzerland), 10 October 2019. (View PDF.)
Peter Soriano: “Snowmelt/Schneewasser”, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff & Partner, Exhibition Announcement, September 2019. (View as a PDF.)


Peter Soriano: Tous Ensemble 7/7, Espace d’art contemporain Camille Lambert, Daily Motion [Video], October 2018.
“L’art dans les Chapelles bretonnes: du neuf dans la nef!,” Le Jour du Seigneur, CFRT Productions [Video], 1 July 2018.
Pierre Morio, “Pèlerinage artistique dans les chapelles,” L’Oeil, No714, Été 2018. (View as a PDF.)
Valérie de Maulmin, “Peter Soriano, Paysage autrement,” Connaissance des Arts, Août 2018. (View as a PDF.)
“J’entre dans ce que je regarde,” Peter Soriano: Dessins • Drawings 2009-2018, Emilie Ovaere-Corthay, Editions Galerie Jean Fournier, April 2018. (View as a PDFtexte en français.)

Vasari Diary: ‘Artists Against Originality,’ Peter Soriano, and Nathalie du Pasquier, Barbara A. MacAdam, Art News, 20 October 2017. (View as a PDF.)
Peter Soriano: CRESTA, CIRCUIT Centre d’Art Contemporain, Exhibition Announcement, September 2017.

Peter Soriano: 3 Murals and Related Drawings at Lennon, Weinberg, Hovey Brock, Art ltd, v.10 No.6, Nov/Dec 2016.
Surveyor of Shadows, John Yau, Hyperallergic, 22 October 2016. (View as a PDF.)
3 Murals and Related Drawings, Lennon Weinberg, Inc., Exhibition Catalog, September 2016. (View as a PDF.)
Peter Soriano: Permanent Maintenance, Colby College Museum of Art, Exhibition Catalog, 2016.
Living Walls, Kirsten Swenson, Peter Soriano: Permanent Maintenance, Colby College Museum of Art, Exhibition Catalog, 2016. (View as a PDFTexte en français)
Catalog Essay: Kirsten Swenson on Peter Soriano's Permanent Maintenance, Sharon Butler, Two Coats of Paint Blog, Exhibition Review, May 2016. (View as PDF.)
Action Steps, Elizabeth Finch, Peter Soriano: Permanent Maintenance, Colby College Museum of Art, Exhibition Catalog, 2016. (Texte en français.) 

Éric Suchère, “Situations de Peter Soriano,” Art Absolument, n°64, Mars / Avril 2015. (View as a PDF.)
Peter Soriano: Permanent Maintenance, Colby College Museum of Art, Vimeo, 21 November 2015. 
Artist Peter Soriano on His New Museum Installation, Terrence O’Connor, The Colby Echo, 24 September 2015. (View as PDF.)
Artist’s Voice: Peter Soriano in Conversation with Andrew Gelfand, The Lantern, 24 September 2015. (View as a PDF.)

Peter Soriano: PanoramaCédric Loire, Semaine #13, February 2014. (View as a PDF, in French.)
Peter Soriano, galerie Jean Fournier, Anne Kerner, Ouvrestesyeaux ARTV [Video], 6 January 2014.

Peter Soriano at Lennon Weinberg, Stephen Maine, Artillery Magazine, 1 March 2013. (View as a PDF.)
In Search of the Mutable: Peter Soriano at Lennon Weinberg, David Carrier, Art Critical, 23 February 2013. (View as a PDF.)
Peter Soriano: New Work, Lennon Weinberg, Inc., Exhibition Catalog, January 2013. (View as a PDF, and a PDF in French)
Peter Soriano: Panorama, Galerie Jean Fournier, Exhibition Catalog, December 2013. (View as a PDF, in French.)

Where I am Now: In Conversation with Peter Soriano, Brian Dupont, Idiom, 11 September 2012. (View as a PDF)
Peter Soriano: Interior Drawing, Patterson Sims,  Other Side -> (NUM)BERS <- and what follows, Galerie Jean Fournier & Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Exhibition Catalog, 2012. (Texte en français, traduction par Gabriel Baldessin.)
Peter Soriano: Autre côté, Marion Daniel, Other Side -> (NUM)BERS <- and what follows, Galerie Jean Fournier & Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Exhibition Catalog, 2012. (Text in English, translated by John Tittensor.)

Peter Soriano: Du dessin-signe à la pensée visuelle, Marion Daniel, Roven #5, Spring/Summer 2011. 
Other Side -> (NUM)BERS, Peter Soriano Interview with Marion Devilliers, 2011. (Texte en français)Leïla Simon,"Otherside (NUM)BERS + Dessins,” Slash, September 2011. (View as PDF.)

Provisional Painting, Raphael Rubinstein, Art in America, May 2009. (View as a PDF.)
An Interview with Peter Soriano, Matthias Waschek, The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, 19 December 2009. (View as a PDF.)
Elemental, Peter Soriano, Exhibition Catalog. (View as a PDF in French.)

Mission mobile, Silvia Cazacu, parisART, 12 Jan 2008. (PDF en français.)
Peter Soriano's New Direction(s) / Touts les directions de Peter Soriano, Raphael Rubinstein, Other Side..(...IDOL, AJAC, IONA, EMEU...).., Galerie Jean Fournier & Panama Musées, Exhibition Catalog, 2008. (Texte en français, traduction par Jeanne Bouniort.) (View as a PDF, in English.)

Relative Sculpture / Sculpture relative, Éric de Chassey,  Running Fix, Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain (Frac), Exhibition Catalog, 2007. (Texte en français. View as a PDF in English.) 
Les inhumains sont parmi nous / The Inhumans Among Us, Éric Suchère,  Running Fix, Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain (Frac), Exhibition Catalog, 2007. (Texte en françaisText in English, translation Natalie Lithwick.)

La Memoire Fautif, Peter Soriano. (View as a PDF in English).